Sunday, 6 September 2015


MS.NET – 4.5 incl. C#, VB.NET
 MS.NET Framework
 The .NET Framework - an Overview
 Architecture of .NET Framework
 Types of Applications which can be developed using MS.NET
 MSIL / Metadata and PE files.
 The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
 Common Type System (CTS)
 Common Language Specification (CLS)
 Types of JIT Compilers
 Security Manager
 MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection
 MS.NET Base Classes Framework
 MS.NET Assemblies and Modules

VB.NET and C# Languages

 Developing Console Application
 Entry point method - Main.
 Command Line Parameters
 Compiling and Building Projects
 Language Basics
 Variables and Data Types
 String & String Builder.
 Boxing and Un boxing
 Control Statements
 Arrays and Strings
 Procedures and Functions
Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming
 Object and Class Definition
 Understanding Identity, State, and Behavior
 Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a single class
 Inheritance and Polymorphism.

 Working with Classes and Objects
 Adding Variables and Methods
 Properties and Indexers
 Constructors and Destructors
 Memory Management and Garbage Collection
  Shared / Static Members
 Method Overloading
 Events and Delegates
 Anonymous Methods
 Partial Classes
 Operator Overloading
 Inner Classes
 Attributes and their Usage
 Inheritance, Interface and Polymorphism
 Deriving classes
 Calling base class constructor
 Overriding Methods
 Non-Inheritable Classes.
 Abstract Class
 Interface Inheritance
 Namespace and Access Modifiers

Advance Language Features and Base Class API
 Working With Collections
 List and Dictionary
 ArrayList and HashTable
 Generic Classes
 IComparable and Sorting.
 IEnumerable and IEnumerator
 Exception Handling
 Handling Exceptions using try and catch
 Raising Exceptions using throw
 Pre-defined Exception classes
 Custom Exception classes
 Using Statement
 C# Features
 UnSafe Code
 fixed Keyword.
 Operator Overloading.
 Data Streams and Files
 Byte Streams
 Readers and Writers.
 Binary Streams
Console and File I/O
 Serialization & Deserialization
 Working with Components / Assemblies
 Creating a Simple .NET Framework Component
 Private and Shared Assemblies
 Singing Assemblies with Strong Names
 DLL Hell
 Side-by-side versioning
 Deploying .NET Assemblies in Global Assembly Cache
 Application Domains
 Creating and Managing Threads
 Threads Priority
 Thread States
 Thread Synchronization & Inter-thread Communication.
 Using Monitor.
 Data Access using ADO.NET
 Comparison between ADO and ADO.NET
 ADO.NET Concepts and Overview
 Managed Providers
 Working with Connection, Command, DataReader and Transaction objects
 Working with Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures.
 Connection Pooling and Multiple Active Result Sets
 Working with DataSet
 Adding, Deleting and Modifying records in a Dataset
 Data Tables, Data Columns and DataRows , Constraints and DataRelations
 Using DataView
 Wording with DataGridView.
 Menus and Conext Menus
 MenuStrip, ToolbarStrip.
 Graphics and GDI
 SDI and MDI Applications
 Dialogbox (Modal and Modeless)
 Form Inheritance
 Developing Custom, Composite and Extended Controls
Other Misc topics.
 Working with Resource Files
 Working with Settings
 XMLDocument, XMLElement, XMLAttribute
 Interoperating with DataSet
 XML TextReader / XML TextWriter
 Windows Services
 Purpose and Advantage
 Developing and Deploying
 Debugging Widows Service
 Sending Custom events
 Packaging and Deployment
 Compiled Deployment of ASP.NET application.
 Types of Deployment Modules
 Working with a Setup and Web Setup Project
 Working with a Merge Module Project
 Debugging and Tracing
 Debug and Release Compilation
 Debug and Trace Objects
 Tracing Switches & Listeners
 Debugging JavaScript from VS.NET
 Debugging SQL-Server Stored Procedures.

Developing N-Tier Architecture Application Using SQL Helper, DAO, Business Object, Data Objects and Presentation Tier

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