Monday, 27 July 2015


                             Synchronization is a process of matching the speeds of both the tool and the application in order to keep them in sync with each other to obtain proper testing results
                   Here the main concept is making the tool to wait till the application finishes its work it can be done in three ways
1.    Inserting the synchronization point
2.    Increasing the default time
3.    Inserting the wait statement

Navigation for inserting the synchronization point:

·         Keep the cursor in the desired location
·         Keep the tool under recording mode
·         Activate the menu item insert
·         Go to step select the option sync point
·         Click on desired object
·         Click on ok
·         Select the desired property
·         Specify the desired property value
·         Specify desired extra time
·         Click on ok
·         Stop recording
In order to avoid above navigation one can directly type the statement in the desired location with the following syntax:
SYNTAX: Object hierarchy. Wait property”Property name” property value, extra time in milliseconds
Example: Window (“flight reservation”).win button(“delete order”).wait property”enabled”,true,17000

Navigation for increasing the default time:-
·         Activate the menu item test
·         Select the option settings
·         Select the run tab
·         Specify the desired time in milliseconds in the object synchronization time out field
·         Click on apply and ok

Syntax for Wait Statement:
                   Wait (time in seconds)
Example: Wait (17)

Where Synchronization is required:

During test execution QTP gives instructions one by one with same speed, but AUT takes less time for some operations execution and more time for some operations execution, that time we may not get proper execution and results. In order to get proper results in between QTP & AUT synchronization is required.

There are several methods available in QTP for synchronization.

1. Inserting Wait statements.
2. Inserting Synchronization points.
3. Increasing Tool default synchronization time.

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